Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The 2009 Ice Storm....so far

So, we still have power, and as I am typing, it is sleeting pretty hard. I am thankful for power as it has helped us keep a "normal" day in getting school done. The trees are so beautiful with the ice on them, but we know that it is not good for them to be coated in ice. It really makes me think about the world and how we often see it. There are so many things out there that appear "beautiful" and are appealing, but in fact, are terrible for us. It starts out ok, but in time, it wears on us, makes us weak, and breaks us. Just as the tree limbs are beginning to do outside. It makes me think of pride, vanity, materialism, and "keeping up appearances."

I have often struggled, as I know MANY people do, with going through junk, dealing with sin or hurts, and putting on a "pretty face" so that no one will know what I am going through. It is like the trees outside. They may look beautiful, but internally, they are aching, if you will, due to the stress of the ice and cold. It is a call for me to pray for myself and for others, that when we hurt, we need not put on a front, but share our hurts first with God, our spouses/family, and friends who will love us and pray with us through those hard times. I know that when I have done this for myself, it is a lighter burden to carry.
So, as you look at these pictures from this morning, do not only admire their beauty, but pray for the transparency in your life, and the life of fellow believers that we would all share our burdens with God and each other, and in response God, and our "family" will come along side of us all and walk with us through those times.

1 comment:

prayerworks said...

Great analogy. I really agree with you. It seems like - superficially - it is just so much easier to stay "pretty"